Happy New Decade!
Happy New Year. It’s surprising to see that we’re already a decade into the new century. Previous posts have spoken about vacant storefronts and even vacant buildings, all from the aftermath of the latest economic turn. There is so much vacant space out there that based on current absorption rates, some markets have several years […]
More Chicago Christmas Trees
If the Cook County Treasurer’s display of “Christmas Trees Around the World” wasn’t enough, the Chicago Museum of Science and Industry likewise has a display of “Christmas Trees Around the World”. Unlike the Treasurer’s Office which has table top height trees, the Museum’s trees are full height – well, as full height as one could […]
Christmas Trees Around the World in Cook County
Chicago is a city of neighbourhoods, and a city of many ethnic backgrounds and traditions. Recently, I was invited to attend the Cook County Treasurer’s / Office of Ethnic Affairs Christmas Party of “Christmas Trees Around the World”. Every year, they send me an invite to attend. They know me from the […]
Departing Chicago?
A recent editorial cartoon depicted Illinois as an airport. In the departures gate were the 2016 Olympic Games, a variety of major trade shows that recently announced leaving Chicago, and Oprah Winfrey. In the arrivals gate were prisoners being transferred from Gitmo. Much of this is directed at Chicago specifically: the “departures” noted are all […]
One Final Note about the Hanna Roundhouse
The “Roundhouses of the World” exhibit that has been on display at the Hanna Public Library is closing this week. In a way, it still lives on. The Oak Park Architectural League is having its Bi-Annual Members Show this month at the Oak Park Public Library in Oak Park, Illinois. Being a member, my contribution […]