There have been some inquiries regarding the Scottish Motor Club’s Calendar of Events this year. An abbreviated version:
Heartland International Tattoo, Sears Center, Hoffman Estates, Illinois
Saturday, 10 April, 2010
This event is being in conjunction with members of the British Car Union, Lotus Corps Chicago and the Rolls Royce Owners Club / Lake Michigan Region.
Illinois Saint Andrew Society Highland Games, Oak Brook, Illinois
19 June 2010
We will probably make an appearance at the Scottish Home Picnic on Saturday, August 7.
The British Home / Daughters of the Empire have requested that we appear in September, but we’re trying to understand if there are any scheduling conflicts.
British Car Union, Oakton Community College, Des Plaines, Illinois
12 September 2010
We may also be making an appearance at one of the regularly scheduled car shows in the area when they hold “British Night” or Import Night” if we can round up dancers and a bagpiper.